Mieke Maaike Fokkinga (1985)
lives and works in Groningen (The Netherlands)
2008 BA Visual Art, Academie Minerva, Groningen
works in collection
Museum Voorlinden | LAM Lisse | DELA | DUO | Hanzehogeschool Groningen | Museo D’arte Contemporanea Villa Croce, Genoa (IT)
2015 Torenkamer, AVRO – Opium op 4, VondelCS, Amsterdam
2015 Atelierhaus Salzamt, Linz (AU)
2010 Id11, op_LOCATIE, Delft
awards / scholarships
2021 LUCHT, Gemeente Groningen, Stipendium
2019 Hendrik de Vriesstipendium, nomination
2015 CreArt Network of Cities for Artistic Creation / Atelierhaus Salzamt, grant
2014 CreArt Network of Cities for Artistic Creation / City of Genoa, grant
2008 Klaas Dijkstra Academieprijs, nomination